Knightsbrook Hotel Christmas Fair

Knightsbrook Hotel Spirit of Christmas Fair 2021

Sunday 5th of December 12 – 5pm

Knightsbrook Hotel Spa and Golf Resort

I will be participating in the Knightsbrook Hotel, Spirit of Christmas Fair this year. If you would like to check out my stall or even just pop in for a chat, I will have all my hats with me on the day.

It is free entry to visit the Christmas Fair and all the stalls. There will be mulled wine, mince pies, face paining for the children and also Santa himself will be there too.

For more information you can check out Knightsbrook Hotel Spa and Golf Resort Website

Knightsbrook Hotel Spa and Golf Resort Location Map

If you want to reserve an item to pick up (saving on postage), you can pop me an email and I will package it up for you, ready for collection Email Handmade by Sinead. Any questions can also be asked on my Contact Form.

If you have any questions about my products or the event, you can send me a private message on instagram or Facebook

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