Kettles Hotel Christmas Market

Kettles Hotel Christmas Market

Saturday 09:00am – 02:00pm

Handmade by Sinéad Stall – Saturday 26 November

I will have a stall at Kettles Country House Hotel Christmas Market this Saturday.

The hotel is running a Christmas Market every Saturday until Christmas from 09:00am – 02:00pm with different venders each week so if you’re in the area you should pop in and check them out.

I will have some of my hats along with me on the day as well as some of my sensory toys.

If you would like further information on the event, you can check out the Hotel Facebook Page

Event Location – Lispopple, Cross, Co. Dublin, K67 HC57
Kettles Country House Hotel Location Map

If you would like to reserve an item listed on my website that you would like to pick up on the day, you can pop me an email and I will package it up for you, ready for collection – Email Handmade by Sinead, Questions can also be asked on my Contact Form.

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